County Health Rankings


County-level data includes access to healthy foods, access to recreational facilities, adult obesity, adult smoking, air pollution-ozone days, air pollution-particulate matter days, birth rates and outcomes, children eligible for free lunch, children in poverty, children in single-parent households, commuting alone, could not see doctor due to cost, deaths/mortality, demographics, dentists, diabetes, diabetic screening, educational attainment, excessive drinking, fast food restaurants, health behaviors, health care costs, high housing costs, HIV, homicide rate, illiteracy, inadequate social support, limited access to healthy foods, low birthweight, mammography screening, median household income, mental health providers, motor vehicle crash death rate, physical inactivity, poor mental health days, poor or fair health, poor physical health days, preventable hospital stays, primary care physicians, sexually transmitted infections, social & economic factors, teen birth rate, unemployment, uninsured, violent crime rate

Resources in this Indicator

Covers Years:

2010 - 2020

Filed in Topics:

Filed in Subtopics:


Not all data are available for every county.

Available data can be downloaded directly from here: