SALSA RBA Data Sheets
The SALSA (Successfully Aging and Living in San Antonio) collective impact initiative is using a data-driven approach based on Results-Based Accountability (RBA) framework to target outcomes and measure progress related to quality of life for our older population. SALSA's four workgroups are using these Data Sheets to help understand the current status and recent trend on key indicators and begin to identify action strategies to "Turn the Curve".
Resources in this Indicator
Abuse/neglect revictimization
Affordable housing 2015
Assisted trips
Digitally Connected
Feel Healthy Overall
Food Access
[Deleted indicator] Geriatric specialty workforce
Hospital Admissions
[Deleted indicator] Live alone
Live in Own Household
Longevity Gap
Poverty and Near-Poverty Rate
[Deleted indicator] Activity limitations
[Deleted indicator] Adult Protective Services staffing
[Deleted indicator] Cardiovascular disease
[Deleted indicator] Diabetes
[Deleted indicator] Flu vaccination
[Deleted indicator] Pneumonia vaccination
[Deleted indicator] Responsible for own grandchildren