COVID-19 dashboards
These local and state dashboards present current and historical data on SARS-CoV-2 testing, COVID-19 confirmed cases, risk of illness, hospitalizations, deaths, and other related issues.
Resources in this Indicator
City of Corpus Christi COVID-19 Data Dashboard (mobile version)
City of Corpus Christi COVID-19 Data Dashboard (desktop version)
Texas DSHS: Accessible COVID-19 Dashboard Data
Texas DSHS: COVID-19 Dashboard
Johns Hopkins University: COVID-19 United States Cases by County (select county to see infographic)
Bexar County: COVID-19 Key Indicators
City of San Antonio: COVID-19 Case Numbers (Table)
City of San Antonio: COVID-19 Self-Screening Data by Zip Code
City of San Antonio: COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboards and Data
SA2020: COVID-19 Health Dashboard