Child Abuse and Neglect
Includes confirmed victims, removals by race/ethnicity, and children waiting for adoption in Bexar Co.
Not all data available for all years or by zip code.
Resources in this Indicator
Child Abuse and Neglect in Bexar County: Overview of Related Demographics, Risk Factors, and Outcomes [July 2016]
Families or Primary Caregivers Served in Child Abuse Prevention
CPS Calls, Reports, Intake or Investigation Workers and Response Times
Average Length of Time for Children Who Exit DFPS Legal Custody
Completed CPS Abuse/Neglect Investigations
Regional Statistics About Children in DFPS Care
Youth Served in Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Programs
Texas Child Population Ages 0 to 17 years old
Removal by Race/Ethnicity
Number of Child Abuse/Neglect Completed Investigations
Legal Statuses Granted for Children in Fiscal Year
Foster Care Expenditures
Five Year Outcomes for Children Returned Home
DFPS Foster and Adoptive Homes
DFPS Child Abuse Neglect Related Fatalities
CPS Purchased Services for Children
CPS Children in Care During Fiscal Year
Confirmed Victims of Abuse Neglect by Race/Ethnicity
Confirmed CPS Victims and Investigations
Children Waiting for Adoption by Race Ethnicity
Completed CPS Abuse Neglect Investigations
Annual Number of Families Receiving Preservation Services
Children Leaving DFPS Custody by Exit Type
Case Action for Families in Completed Investigations
Covers Years:
2007 - 2019Filed in Topics:
Filed in Subtopics:
Dashes indicate no cases, blanks indicate no data.
Of note: Rates for race use the total population under 18 as the denominator instead of the total race-specific population under 18.